下館祇園まつりといえば、日本一で一番重い大迫力の平成神輿が有名だが、我々は 街の文化継承を目的に「子供みこし」に密着!子供の頃のこの体験が今の自分に残っているように 街の文化に触れることは きっと残るはず
People who live in the same area and worship the local deity.
Background music essential for festivals: wind and percussion music played to create a beat or atmosphere
A procession of portable shrines. Rengo-togyo is a procession of several portable shrines in a row.
血が騒ぐ それが祭りだ
Preparations begin for the festival that is about to begin!
Assembling the main attraction, the portable shrine. This time, we filmed in Kanai-cho
I had the opportunity to photograph it in Kanai-cho.
The dragonfly (horizontal bar) connecting the main bar and side bars is tied, lanterns are attached, and decorative strings are tied....
Each town has its own history, and the event is held thanks to the efforts of many people.
When I hear the sound of the musical accompaniment, my heart starts to beat.
It gets my blood pumping, that's what festivals are all about.
All we have to do is wait for the right moment!
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
2023.7.27(木) 本殿祭&御神体入
いよいよ始まる。3年分の想いも乗せて 下館の夏が始まる。
そして この熱気の中 皆の安全と伝統の祭り 各町内の陣頭指揮を取るのがこの男たち
Summer in Shimodate is about to begin, carrying three years of memories.
The number of children's mikoshi seems to be shrinking due to the declining birthrate, but as long as there is a mikoshi in the town, it does not matter if it is for children or adults!
History and tradition that both children and adults can create together, that is what festivals are all about.
The quiet shrine suddenly becomes heated. Each township carries a portable shrine and arrives at the shrine. The ritual of "Goshintaiire
And in the midst of this excitement, the men who lead each town in the safety and tradition of the festival are
Children's Mikoshi Federation
神輿に神様を遷(うつ)す儀式です。 渡御の前に、宮司(ぐうじ)によって御霊が社殿から神輿に遷されます。 神様が乗物(神輿など)に乗り氏子町内を巡られることを渡御と言います。 神輿が神社から出発することを宮出、神社に帰着することを宮入と言います
This is a ceremony to transfer the deity to the portable shrine. Before the procession, the spirit is transferred from the shrine pavilion to the mikoshi by the chief priest. The procession is called "Togyo" when the deity rides a vehicle (such as a portable shrine) around the town of Ujiko. The departure of the mikoshi from the shrine is called miyadashi, and its return to the shrine is called miya-iri.
2023.7.28(金) 連合渡御
各町内 競い合うように 讃えあうように 元気な掛け声が響き渡る「わっしょい!わっしょい!」
神輿に続くお囃子も祭りの楽しみである。太鼓・笛のね… この音が興奮をさらに煽るのだ
子供も 大人も 自慢の町内の神輿をかつぎ祭りを楽しむ
訪れた人の楽しみはもう一つ、屋台だ。復活した祭りを祝うかのように どこも行列だ
The excitement of the previous night has not abated as we enter the second day of the festival. Tonight is the Rengo Togyo.
Each township will be moving in tandem. Several townships come up the Haguro-zaka hill in a line.
Each township competes and praises the other, and their cheerful shouts of "wasshoi! wasshoi!
The musical accompaniment that follows the portable shrines is one of the joys of the festival. The sounds of drums and flutes add to the excitement.
Many children gather to carry the mikoshi, and we send them to towns that will accept them for the experience. Such an attempt has been going on for more than 20 years (sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Shimodate).
Children and adults enjoy the festival by carrying the portable shrines of their own neighborhood.
Another attraction for visitors is the food stalls. Visitors are always lining up for the stalls, as if to celebrate the festival's resurgence.
最終日。開始と同時にこの人並み。時間が経つにつれどんどん人並みは増えていく。どこからこんなに人が湧いてくるのだろうか…と不思議な気持ちと同時に これが祭りの持つパワーだと実感する。このために帰省する者も多い。
月明かりだけの神社に 数えきれない提灯が放つ光は、夏の記憶として深く刻まれる。熱気と歓喜の中 全ての町内の宮入りが終わった
宮入りが終わった順に 御神体を抜き 各町内に帰っていくのだ
Last day. The crowd was here as soon as it started. As time goes by, the number of people increases. I wondered where all these people were coming from... and at the same time, I realized that this is the power of the festival. Many people return home for this reason.
On the last day of the festival, the procession is held in front of the station, followed by the miya-irisu, a procession of 18 townships divided into three blocks, each taking its turn to enter the shrine. The 18 neighborhoods, divided into three blocks, take turns to enter the shrine and make three rounds around the main shrine building. The moment when the excitement reaches its climax
The portable shrines are led by tall lanterns and raised high in front of the main shrine.
They shout as loudly as they can!
The light emitted by countless lanterns in the moonlit shrine is deeply etched in the memory of summer, and the miya-irisashi of all the townspeople is over in the heat and joy.
The shrine is now closed, and the sacred body is removed and returned to each town in the order in which it was placed in the shrine.
祭りの最終日にしか見えない光景であり、一歩一歩 厳かに坂を登ってくる歩みは 夏の終わりそ告げているようだ
そして 各町内の高張提灯がこれだけ集まる光景は 見ている者に この街の集結と繁栄の証なのだと見せつけるのだ。まだ始まったばかりのこの試みは きっと これからの伝統となるだろう
As if to celebrate the portable shrine heading for Haguro Shrine, tall lanterns from each town and village lead the way.
It is a scene that can only be seen on the last day of the festival, and the solemn step by step of the portable shrines up the hill seems to signal the end of summer.
And the sight of so many lanterns from each town showing the prosperity of the town is a testament to the gathering and prosperity of this town. This experiment, which has just begun, will surely become a tradition for years to come.